On the Variational Distance of Independently Repeated Experiments
Renato Renner
eprint archive: http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.IT/0509013, Nov 2003, Manuscript.
Let P and Q be two probability distributions which differ only for values with non-zero probability. We show that the variational distance between the distributions P^n and Q^n of a series of n independently repeated random experiments distributed according to P and Q, respectively, is upper bounded by an expression which only grows like the square root in n.
BibTeX Citation
@unpublished{Renner03, author = {Renato Renner}, title = {On the Variational Distance of Independently Repeated Experiments}, year = {2003}, month = {11}, howpublished = {eprint archive: http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.IT/0509013}, note = {Manuscript}, }
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